Jugendstil. Made in Munich

Kunsthalle München

Friday, October 25, 2024 —
Sunday, March 23, 2025

— Credits: Kunsthalle München, Gestaltung: Sofarobotnik
Josef Rudolf Witzel: Advertising Poster for "Jugend. Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift" (Youth. Munich’s Illustrated Weekly), 1896 Color lithograph, 70.5 × 114.7 cm Münchner Stadtmuseum — Credits: Münchner Stadtmuseum
Hermann Obrist: Wall Hanging with Cyclamen (“Whiplash”), circa 1895 Work by: Berthe Ruchet Woolen fabric with silk embroidery, 119 × 183 cm Münchner Stadtmuseum — Credits: Münchner Stadtmuseum
Philipp Kester: Hofatelier Elvira in Munich – Exterior Façade, circa 1900 Photograph, 18 x 13 cm Münchner Stadtmuseum — Credits: Münchner Stadtmuseum, Archiv Kester
Peter Behrens: "The Kiss", 1899 Color woodcut, 28.5 x 19 cm Münchner Stadtmuseum — Credits: Münchner Stadtmuseum

Around 1900, young visionary artists in Munich set out to revolutionize art and to reform life. Facing a time of rapid scientific as well as technical innovation and social upheaval, they joined the quest for a fairer and more sustainable way of life. Artists such as Richard Riemerschmid, Hermann Obrist, and Margarethe von Brauchitsch turned their backs on historical styles to create a new art that permeated life down to the smallest detail. Their ideas formed the foundation for modern art and design. With examples from painting, graphic art, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, and fashion, the exhibition sheds light on Munich’s role as the cradle of Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) in Germany and demonstrates how topical the issues of life discussed back then still are today.
The exhibition is a joint project of the Kunsthalle München and the Münchner Stadtmuseum.

Open Now
10:00 — 20:00
10:00 — 20:00
10:00 — 20:00
10:00 — 20:00
10:00 — 20:00
10:00 — 20:00
10:00 — 20:00

Address: Kunsthalle München
Theatinerstr. 8
80333 München


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