Opening | KEY | lou jaworski

max goelitz

Thursday, February 13, 2025, 18:00

  • Opening
Concept Rendering — Credits: Courtesy of Lou Jaworski

For his third solo exhibition at the gallery, Lou Jaworski (*1981 in Warsaw, PL) creates a model-like space that reflects on the openness and transformative power of material. In KEY, marble wall pieces with geometric inscriptions transform into digitally abstracted landscapes, while sculptural fragments of branches and trees cast in aluminum become snapshots of possibilities.
Jaworski draws on the ancient concept of Hyle: originating in Greek philosophy, Hyle refers to fundamental matter – the foundation for everything malleable. His works embody a state that exists both as a completed object and as a starting point for new forms and ideas. KEY – a reference to the K in the CMYK color spectrum – presents a world in which the malleability of material remains ongoing, with the artworks understood as reservoirs of potential.

Address: max goelitz
Maximilianstr. 35, Eingang Herzog-Rudolf-Straße
80539 Munich