Rosemarie Trockel / Thea Djordjadze. limitation of life

Artists: Rosemarie Trockel, Thea Djordjadze

Lenbachhaus München

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 —
Sunday, April 27, 2025

— Credits: Rosemarie Trockel / Thea Djordjadze, Lob der Langeweile, Detail, 2008 © Thea Djordjadze & Rosemarie Trockel, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024. Courtesy the artists and Sprüth Magers. Foto / Photo: Timo Ohler
— Credits: Ausstellungsansicht / Installation Shot, Rosemarie Trockel / Thea Djordjadze. limitation of life, Lenbachhaus, 2024. Foto / Photo: Lukas Schramm, Lenbachhaus
— Credits: Rosemarie Trockel / Thea Djordjadze, kapelle von venice, but without terror, Detail, 2017/2024 © Thea Djordjadze & Rosemarie Trockel / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024. Courtesy the artists and Sprüth Magers. Foto / Photo: Ernst Jank
— Credits: Ausstellungsansicht / Installation Shot, Rosemarie Trockel / Thea Djordjadze. limitation of life, Lenbachhaus, 2024. Foto / Photo: Lukas Schramm, Lenbachhaus
— Credits: Ausstellungsansicht / Installation Shot, Rosemarie Trockel / Thea Djordjadze. limitation of life, Lenbachhaus, 2024. Foto / Photo: Lukas Schramm, Lenbachhaus

The Lenbachhaus presents a joint exhibition by Rosemarie Trockel and Thea Djordjadze. The two artists forged a close creative relationship between 1998 and 2001, when Djordjadze was Trockel’s student at the Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts, and have realized joint projects before. Their oeuvres explore themes that are relevant to contemporary art and its production, scrutinizing, for example, the creative process and interrogating its premises, traditions, freedoms, and constraints. Meanwhile, they play with the conventions of art and the exhibition space.
In “limitation of life”, Trockel and Djordjadze merge their styles, but without abandoning their individual creative vocabularies. The interplay between Trockel’s and Djordjadze’s creative reflections engenders a space that defies the established conventions of the exhibition business and is meant to be experienced not primarily through the prism of (art-historical) knowledge but on a sensual and intuitive level.

Address: Lenbachhaus München
Luisenstr. 33
80333 München

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Lenbachhaus München


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