Surrealism was a political movement of international reach and internationalist convictions. Surrealists vocally denounced European colonial policies, they organized to resist fascist movements, fought in the Spanish Civil War, called on Wehrmacht soldiers to commit sabotage, were detained in camps and persecuted, escaped Europe, died in war. They wrote poetry, honed the deconstruction of an ostensibly rational language in an ostensibly rational world, they worked on paintings and collective drawings, they took photographs, made collages, and organized exhibitions. In analyzing and illustrating its political self-conception, we will be guided by an idea that was central to Surrealism: anti-fascism. The exhibition at the Lenbachhaus is meant to consolidate a series of attempts to revise a Surrealist canon that is still narrowly defined and politically inconsequential in order to answer the question: What is Surrealism?
But live here? No thanks. Surrealism and Anti-Fascism
Artists: Manuel Ălvarez Bravo, Lola Ălvarez Bravo, Art & LibertĂ©, Georges Bataille, Hans Bellmer, Victor Brauner, AndrĂ© Breton, Claude Cahun, Marcel Moore, Leonora Carrington, AimĂ© CĂ©saire, Suzanne CĂ©saire, Ăscar DomĂnguez, Robert Desnos, Paul Ăluard, Max Ernst, Esteban FrancĂ©s, Eugenio Granell, Groupe Octobre, John Heartfield, JindĆich Heisler, Jacques HĂ©rold, Ted Joans, Ida Kar, Germaine Krull, Wifredo Lam, Dyno Lowenstein, RenĂ© Magritte, Dora Maar, La Main Ă Plume, Maruja Mallo, AndrĂ© Masson, Roberto Matta, China MiĂ©ville, Lee Miller, Joan MirĂł, Wolfgang Paalen, Pablo Picasso, Jacques PrĂ©vert, JindĆich Ć tyrskĂœ, Yves Tanguy, Karel Teige, Toyen, Remedios Varo, Wols
Lenbachhaus MĂŒnchen
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 â
Sunday, March 30, 2025

- Monday
- 10:00 â 18:00
- Tuesday
- 10:00 â 18:00
- Wednesday
- 10:00 â 18:00
- Thursday
- 10:00 â 20:00
- Friday
- 10:00 â 18:00
- Saturday
- 10:00 â 18:00
- Sunday
- 10:00 â 18:00
Lenbachhaus MĂŒnchen
Luisenstr. 33
80333 MĂŒnchen
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Lenbachhaus MĂŒnchen